Thursday, January 28, 2010
Yes!!!I finally finished my 5 blog entries yesterday!(This is not a blog entry.
I guess i won't post anymore as this blogskin can only contain a limited number of posts.The best thing to do is actually to change the blogskin,but i will not be doing anything on this blog for now.
Thanks for viewing my blog!=D

~Chan Yu Yang Kelvin, 1:39 AM
A sad ending
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I had witnessed a sad incident last year.This made me learn that life is precious and we should treasure it as we would leave our family crying for us if we are gone.
It was a fine afternoon.After school ended,I bought some fruits and went to Changi General hospital to visit my grandfather who had suffer from a stroke a couple of days ago.
Though i had been to the hospital with my family before,i had forgotten the way around and thus wandered to an operating theater.Suddenly,a group of hospital staffs rushedin with a man on a stretcher.The man was bleeding profusely."It must had been an accident"I thought to myself.A frail old woman and a woman,who i guessed were the man's mother and wife,were close behind,inconsolable and hysterical.They wanted to go into the operating theater badly but were rejected by the hospital staffs.I had already forgotten my motive of coming here and sat in a corner, praying that the man would pull through alive.
After approximately an hour,the light outside the operating theater went off and the doctor came out first.He said solemnly,"Sorry,but we have tried our best."The man was pronounced dead as a hospital staff pushed the man out with a white cloth over him.The wife collaspe while the mother ran to the man's dead body and tugged him as if to wake him up.I could not help shedding tears and went off as I could not take it anymore.
From that day onwards,I promised myself that I would treasure my own life and not cause grieve to my family.

(260 words)
~Chan Yu Yang Kelvin, 2:18 AM
A problem you encountered and how you solved or managed it
Monday, January 25, 2010

I had encountered many problems before and solved them like maths questions but this is the one that i felt proud of myself after the incident.
Finally,it's Saturday!My parents have planned to go to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve today!I had already waited a long time for this(although it had only been two days since they told me about it).My father drove us all there after we had finished our breakfast.
Once we stepped out of the car,my brother and I were so excited that we raced to the exit without waiting for our parents.Once we reached there,we started our walk and were fascinated by the great number of species of animals and plants.Each species were unique and some were very rare.After a long walk,we decided to take a break.
It was then that i felt urgent and had to answer nature's call.I proceeded to the nearby toilet.When I was done,i found a little boy crying on my way back."I want my MUMMY!"cried the boy.I went up to him and asked him what were the loud cries for(though i already know that most possible answer)He replied that he got lost when he wandered off from his parents to admire the flowers nearby.I decided to bring him to my parents as they should know what to do,but the boy refused as his parents have told him countless times before that if he gets lost,stay there and they will return to get him.So,i decided to wait with him.After about 10 minutes,his parents did not arrive.BOTHER!I have a problem now.I did not have my phone with me and I could not leave him in the lurch.He also refused to follow me to my parents so there!I was stuck and did not know what to do.
Suddenly,I saw a cigarette lighter on the ground.An idea struck me.I gathered a number of twigs and piled them up.I used the cigarette lighter and lit up a fire with the pile of twigs and branches.I did not care whether this was against the safety rules.I could not be stuck here with this boy all day long.I must help him reunite with his parents.The smoke of the small fire alerted my parents,who were now wondering why i took so long to return from the toilet.They found me with the boy and I explained the situation to them.
Off they went to find the staff working at the nature reserve.By this time,the boy's parents were already with the staff,reporting about their lost son.My parents immediately brought them to where I was with the boy.The boy was relieved and hugged his parents tightly.They thanked me and praised that I was a smart boy.I blushed.Though,the staff did not like that as i started a fire but forgave me this time as i did that to help the boy.
We walked around for another half an hour taking photos and then went home.On the car ride back,i was i was proud of my quick thinking that solved the problem of helping the boy find his parents.
That's all for now,look out for my fifth blog entry!

(513 words)
~Chan Yu Yang Kelvin, 2:09 AM
Something that took place in school
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Everyday,there will be many things that happen in school.Typical things such as losing a pen,friends insulting people they don't like and teachers scolding those that have forgotten to do their homework.All this are part and parcel of school a pupil's life in school,but there was something that happened which left a deep impression in my mind,i still can clearly remember what happened that day after school...
Lessons were as boring as usual and when the bell rang,i sprang up from my chair and pack my bag as fast as i could,hoping to go home and enjoy the wonderful lunch my mum had prepared for me.Thinking of this made me one of the last to finish packing.Suddenly,there was a dispute between Peter and John.John had accused Peter of stealing his money while Peter claims that he had nothing to do with it.
Realising that something really bad could happen sooner or later,Tom and I went up to them and tried to calm John down but it was in vain.Known for his bad temper,John then hurled vulgarities at Peter.@#$&!!!Already angry at being accused,Peter went mad when John had insulted him.He returned whatever was said to him and caused John to send a punch on his face.A fight broke out and kicks and punches were sent out but however hard Peter fought,he was no match for the burly John, who won hands down.This left Peter with his nose and mouth bleeding profusely.It was a horrific sight!!!
I stood rooted to the ground but recovered and sent Tom to look for the discipline master while i tried to break them up.I handed Peter a tissue to stop the bleeding.Just then,Mr Ng,the discipline master arrived at the door and pulled the terrified John to his office.I was instructed to bring Peter to the general office to have some treatments for his wounds.
Mr Ng looked for Tom and I and explained that John was sent for counseling and had benn given a chance as he has no poor records.Mr Ng also praised us for our quick thinking but I was only thinking about Peter's injuries and did not listen much to what he said.
Due to something that is most likely a misunderstanding,a friendship is lost and about what had happened to the money,i've no idea...

(499 words)
~Chan Yu Yang Kelvin, 5:27 AM
A special moment you enjoyed with your family
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Everyone would have a special moment with their own family,and I am not an exception.This is one of the special moments i have had with my family.
Last year,my family of four including me,my parents and my brother,went to the chalet,Costa Sands Resort, to celebrate my father's birthday.It was a three-days-two-nights stay and we enjoyed it thoroughly.
After one and a half days spent there,we went to the supermarket in the afternoon of the second day to buy some food like chicken wings and 'satays' for the barbecue we were having that night.Night finally came after we spent our afternoon with a round of shopping.We went to the barbecue pit at the chalet and started to set the fire with charcoal.After the flame was ready and hot enough,we started our barbecue.While waiting for the foods to be cooked,we chatted and laughed.We were a very happy family.
"Happy Birthday To You...."as we sang the birthday song to my father.After each of us planted a kiss on his cheek,we began eating the cake.I had cream all over my mouth and all of us laughed together.We decided to save part of the cake for breakfast tomorrow and went back into the chalet to put it back.By this time,the foods were ready.Drooling,we filled our mouth with delicious foods as if we have never eaten before.My brother,who has a huge appetite,almost choked as he was trying to swallow all the food and get new ones before we could take them.My mother patted his back and asked him whether if he dare to rush on his food again.With teary eyes,he shook his head.I snickered at the sight of this. We ate to our heart's content and did our part in cleaning up the area after we filled our stomachs. Lastly,we all sat together on the grass and observed the sky.There were many stars but the moon was nowhere to be seen.After having another chat,we went back to the chalet to have a refreshing hot water bath.Finally,the day was over.
The following day,we checked out and ate our breakfast before leaving for home.
I truly enjoyed the barbecue night as that is when i sat with my family,the ones that I love,and ate,talked and laughed whole-heartedly.
What a special moment i enjoyed with my family!

(423 words)
~Chan Yu Yang Kelvin, 1:45 AM
A moment spent alone doing something you enjoyed
Monday, January 18, 2010

The bell rang and that commenced the end of school for today. Having finished my lunch, i decided to go to the library alone to read the book i had not finished during reading period that morning without any disturbance.
As i walked into the library sweating due to the heat outside,i felt rejuvenated as the cold air blew against my face. This is definitely a good place to study and read in. Furthermore,everyone was doing their homework and studying quietly by themselves.The entire library was peaceful!
I went up to the second story to take the book i had not completed reading and went to one of the seat provided.There, i started reading and took an hour completing the book.I took a rest and gazed out of the window. There was simply a great atmosphere in the library. The quietness and peacefulness would make anyone feel like sleeping,just like the upper secondaries who were sleeping soundly with books in their hands!Indeed,i almost fell asleep like them but my phone suddenly vibrated and I got out of my semi-conscious state.
I went to the shelves and found an interesting book that I thought might keep me busy the next few days. I started on this book and decided that i would go only when the library closes. It was already about 4.00pm and the library closes at 4.30pm (if I'm not wrong).Time flies when you are enjoying something and the next thirty minutes or so passed as fast as lightning.I was simply too engrossed in the book that the librarian had to call me thrice at 4.30pm for me to leave.With that,i borrowed the book and went home reluctantly as i enjoyed the one and a half hours i spent in the library.I thought as i was on the way home,"How wonderful will it be if the library is as great as today forever."

(325 words)
~Chan Yu Yang Kelvin, 2:05 AM
Kelvin Chan
26 November 1996
Likes : Soccer, Tennis, Badminton, EAT!, PSP, Getamped! and many more!
Dislikes : Backstabbers, Exams, Homework, Gangsters..
Royston Wah
Dominic Ho
Joshua Goh
Gary Goh
Isaac Law
January 2010

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